"These seven weeks at BU have allowed me to get to know how a big firm works and how the teams relate to one another when collaboration is required. Brigard Urrutia inspires you to excel oneself, to give the best and improve a little bit with every single day. The philosophy of effort, continuity and sacrifice is felt in all the teams the firm consist of and this, especially at the beginning of one’s career, is of an incredible value, as if you internalise them deeply, they will accompany you throughout your entire working life. At a personal level, as a foreigner, the summer internship has given me the opportunity to discover this marvellous country, with it richness, unknown to those of us, who are not Colombian and to get to know a people which always makes you feel welcome, by giving you all their kindness and hospitality from the first day on. I will always have great memories about this experience, a greater wish to come back and even greater people and friends. Summarising the experience at Brigard Urrutia, I can say that it has been enriching in all the aspects of my life and that I can highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to get to know in a comparable firm of high achievement, like Brigard Urrutia. I can only thank everyone with whom I have had the chance of working for their patience, valuable lessons and tips. Thanks a lot for the Brigard Urrutia opportunity.”