We have a compliance, self-control and risk management system, with open communication and participation channels for all interested parties, and with internal control bodies in charge of fulfilling the duties applicable to the activities of our corporate purpose. We ensure compliance with internal protocols, legal and regulatory obligations, and corporate principles that provide our services: transparency, efficiency and excellence.


We have a robust compliance program that allows us to adequately manage the main risks that companies face. Likewise, we have channels of communication and participation open to all interested parties, and with internal control bodies responsible for the fulfillment of the duties applicable to the activities performed by the company. In this way, we ensure compliance with internal protocols, legal and regulatory duties and corporate principles that provide our services: transparency, efficiency and excellence.



Business Ethics Program

Our commitment with the ethically acting has been the cornerstone of our trajectory and the basis of the trust of our clients, employees, suppliers, community and the stakeholders. As an essential part of our commitment, the Firm has implemented a Business Ethics Program, with the main objective of guarantee transparency and integrity in each of our actions.

Our Program comprehensively compiles the principles and commitments that guide our daily activities and define the ethical behaviors expected by each of our stakeholders. Likewise, it defines the firm's commitments to comply with the regulatory framework, the fight against corruption and transnational bribery.

Confidential Ethics Line

It is important for us to be in contact, that’s why we have established the following communication channels and points of contact, our ethic line is confidential and is available to all members and interested parties of the organization. We are attentive to answering concerns, answering complaints and / or suggestions through:

Email: oficialdecumplimiento@bu.com.co
Telephone: 57 1 3462011 EXT 8888

All the communications received will be treated under strict confidentiality by our Compliance Officer.

Anti-Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Massive Destruction.

The Firm is committed to the fight against all types of crimes, whence it has implemented SAGRILAFT -it is a Self-control and Integral Management Risk of Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction- this system allows us to identify, control and mitigate the risks associated to Money Laundering, Financing of Terrorism and the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

The basis of our system is the SAGRILAFT Manual, which establishes the responsibilities of each of our stakeholders against these acts, as well as our commitment to their prevention.

The System has been designed according to an exhaustive analysis of our characteristics, the nature of our activities and the risks inherent to them. For us, compliance with SAGRILAFT has become a priority, thus it´s a system that is being in constant evolution and strengthening.

There is a main Compliance Officer and a substitute, who led the activities of the system and ensure its proper functioning.

If you have any questions, or comments, please contact the line 57 1 3462011 EXT 8888 and / or email oficialdecumplimiento@bu.com.co or secretariageneral@bu.com.co(link sends email)

Information Security

In a globalized world, the protection of information has never been more relevant, that is why we are committed to information security, we have measures that allow us to control access and availability of information, we perform within the Firm awareness campaigns and security training and we promote best practices for the protection of physical or electronic information of each of our clients.

We value the trust that our clients and allies place in us and therefore information security is fundamental for us, thus having an Information Security Officer that you can contact on line 3462011 EXT 8889 and / or by email securityti@bu.com.co.

Here you will find more information about it, click here

Personal data protection

We value people and their information, for which we are committed to the responsible handling of personal data and compliance with applicable legislation. We know that nowadays our personal data is our greatest asset and as such, must be treated under high standards of security and protection.

We have an Information Treatment Policy and procedures so that data owners could perform questions, requests or comments, these ones could be made through the telephone line (+ 57-1) 346 2011, email: protecciondedatos@bu.com.co(link sends email)

To know more about our Information Treatment Policy, click here