INVIMA issued Resolution No. 202002185 of June 23, 2020, through which it modified the transitory administrative measures previously taken by Resolution No. 2020012926 of April 3, 2020, during the duration of the emergency, thus:

1. Resumed terms in:

a. The Internal Disciplinary Control processes
b. The inspection, surveillance and control actions carried out within the framework of the risk management model
c. The application, monitoring and decision on safety sanitary measures for products of INVIMA's competence

INVIMA will notify or communicate the administrative acts that it issues through electronic means.

The other processes and procedures will remain suspended.

2. It resumed terms in the sanctioning processes, administrative actions and other procedures in charge of the INVIMA Direction of Health Responsibility.

INVIMA will notify or communicate the administrative acts by electronic means and they will be effective as of the date and time that the administrator accesses the administrative act.

3. Generally resumed the terms in all actions and procedures in charge of the Direction of Food and Beverage.

4. Resumed the terms in the following matters in charge of the Direction of Medicines and Biological Products:

a. The procedures related to cannabis-based products, phytotherapeutic, homeopathic and dietary supplements, including those processed by the respective Specialized Group.
b. Research protocols associated procedures.
c. OTC advertising clearances for over-the-counter medications, herbal and homeopathic products, and all dietary supplements.
d. Automatic renewals and modifications of chemical synthesis drugs.
e. VAT exclusion procedures.
f. The scheduling and carrying out of virtual or mixed BPx certification visits, of requests filed before the Resolution that adopted transitory administrative measures during the emergency

5. Resumed terms of the Direction of Medical Devices and Other Technologies, regarding the following:

a. Modifications of health records and marketing permits.
b. Product and advertising exhaustion authorizations.
c. Marketing permit applications for biomedical controlled technology equipment.
d. CCAA visits.
e. Certification and visit regarding sanitary conditions for tissue and bone marrow banks.
f. Certification and visit regarding BP for tissue and bone marrow banks.
g. Verification visit of:
i. BP requirements for tissue banks.
ii. Temporary tissue storage centers.
iii. Sanitary requirements of reproductive biomedical units, semen banks and all other banks of anatomical components.
h. Procedures of the Specialized Group for Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents.

6. Generally resumed the terms in all actions and procedures by the Direction of Cosmetics, Grooming, Pesticides and Domestic Hygiene Products.

Resolution 2020020185 of 2020.

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