Ernesto M. Hernández

“My internship at BU has been a truly unforgettable experience. As a foreign intern, I have had the opportunity to travel to a different country and get to know the Colombian legal system. The lawyers here have always been amiable, patient and kind. I have had the opportunity to see various parts of Colombia and get to know this wonderful culture. Thanks a lot for this opportunity!”

Diandra Molina

“The Brigard Urrutia internship has been a tremendous experience which I will not forget any time soon. Not only have I been able to establish real ties with my colleagues, but I have also left Colombia with deepened knowledge and the certainty that my time spent here has been educative and valuable. Thank you for the opportunity.”

Diana Carolina Pinilla Pimienta

The summer-internships at Brigard Urrutia/Brigard Castro are without doubt a unique experience for anyone who wishes to get an insight into the job market, as it does not only allow to get to know the work of a firm, but also provides the opportunity to work hand in hand with the whole team of highly professional lawyers, who with their kindness, are ready to help you to grow during the 7 weeks of the internship. Furthermore, it is an experience which allows you to widen your professional horizon, as you have the opportunity to not only get to know new areas of the law which are usually not taught in university, but also to deepen your understanding of the areas which you already know. It is definitively a space for learning and personal development, for sharing and exchanging knowledge, for working in a team and networking.

I am satisfied with the experience, with all the amazing people I have had the chance to get to know, with the friends I have made and all the new knowledge which benefit my personal and professional development.”

David Triviño Bonell

“This experience cannot simply be measured quantitatively but has to be seen cumulatively from three points: It’s a great influence in my professional life as it has shown me to always give one’s best and to reach beyond one’s limits; the great knowledge that I have received in the areas of law that I have been involved in; and the people I have shared this experience with, who have made me feel welcome and have always shown me their support. All of this has formed my definition of what it means to be the best legal professional and why, and with this I can affirm that the summer internship at BU has been one of the best moments of my life and that for this, I will always be grateful to the firm.”

Daniel Ávila II

“Being a US-American, this work experience has been a great enlightenment for me regarding the differences and similarities of the work in a big firm in Colombia and the US. My big challenge has been to work in a foreign language with people of different cultural and ancestral backgrounds. I have learned a lot from my colleagues and have developed transnational relationships which will continue throughout my career.

I hope that more US-Americans will enjoy this experience in the future, as it does not only benefit us to get to know different cultures but also shows us that Brigard Urrutia has legal drafting models in English as it happens in the United States.”

Beatriz C. Montes Yebra

“The experience I have had during the 7 weeks at Brigard Urrutia has been unforgettable. Having worked for 5 years at Pérez-Llorca in Spain, this work-experience has given me the opportunity to get to know of the main firms in Latin America which consists of lawyers, associates, administrative personnel and HR-employees of a very high level, be it professionally or personally. Furthermore, the work experience has allowed me to understand how the legal profession requires not just a great level of dedication and efforts but also to value the people whom you are working with, on a daily basis. I would like to thank Brigard Urrutia for having given me the opportunity to collaborate with them as well as the Corporate/M&A team, with whom I hope to continue to maintain an excellent professional and personal relationship in the future.

A tip I would give to future interns, is to be like sponges which absorb everything, to have fun, to learn new things and to enjoy everything this firm, this city and this country can offer you every day of the experience.”